We are thankful to have you as part of the Red Line Parkway community. We have a few trail-side updates for you.
Reminder from our November 18th Project Parkway Happy Hour
Help us connect to prospective donors who can contribute at our Founding Sponsor level of $10,000 or our Legacy Sponsor level of $50,000. This may be your employer, a philanthropic donor in your network, or someone else. You can find reference materials on our website to help guide your outreach. And please reach out to Executive Director Tom Wald with any questions or for a quick phone call: [email protected] / 512-203-7626.
Holiday Campaign - Donations Matched
Thanks to our supporters, we’ve so far raised over $30,000 in private funding, but we still have work to do. That's why we’re excited to announce that, this holiday season, The Sinclair Black Family Charitable Trust is matching donations to RLPI up to $10,000!
That means all contributions made by Dec. 31st, 2021 will have double the impact.
And, to top it off, every donor who contributes $500 or more by Dec. 31st will receive a complimentary and very, very limited edition Red Line Parkway t-shirt and hat!
Join Our Austin Marathon Team
The Red Line Parkway team is live at Austin Marathon! Just log into your registration account, choose your February 20th 2022 registration, edit your "Team Name", and choose "RedLineParkway". That's it!
Bib deadline is Jan. 6th, so don't wait. We'll get in touch with team members for next steps to advance Team RedLineParkway.
Red Line Parkway Plan
Turns out that creating a 32-mile regional trail is even more than a marathon! We are working closely with Capital Metro staff on a timeline that could include commencing the Red Line Parkway Plan in the first half of 2022. Stay tuned—we hope to have more definitive news soon.
McKalla Station Update
Thanks to you, there were over 120 attendees at the December 9th Capital Metro McKalla Station meeting! Almost all public input at the meeting was regarding the Red Line Parkway. The good news is that Capital Metro staff has now agreed to work with its Project Connect funding partner, the City of Austin, on the station design. More than anyone, we hope for a successful and uneventful design process from here on, but we will alert you if the Red Line Parkway or bicycle traffic is excluded again.
Cedar Park Bond Funding
The City of Cedar Park is putting together a proposal for a bond package to fund projects that could be brought to voters in 2022. Our peers, Active Transportation Advocates Cedar Park, have been working to ensure funding for trails and other active transportation project in the bond package.
One proposed project would connect the existing 183A Shared-Use Path & Brushy Creek Regional Trail with the upcoming Bell District along U.S. 183. Since this proposed trail could be routed along the Red Line corridor, we are in discussion with local allies and city staff, plus continuing our conversations with CapMetro staff, as this proposed Cedar Park trail project moves along. This is certainly exciting, as this could potentially create a high quality route almost all the way to the MetroRail Red Line Lakeline Station.
This is your periodic reminder to get outside
Explore a new part of the Red Line Parkway or one of the several connecting trails. Visit our interactive map for ideas!