Thank you for being a part of the Red Line Parkway community! I’d like to give you an update on what’s going on at the Initiative and provide some news of what’s going on along the Red Line corridor.
(This post was originally sent as a newsletter on February 27th, 2020. Join our newsletter list here.)
- We’re continuing to build relationships, including in Leander, with local staff of Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), new friends of parks, and others along the corridor,
- We are actively pursuing Parkway funding to be on the November 2020 Election ballot,
- We continue to work with partners and other stakeholders on active trail projects to ensure that there is enough space to build the Parkway,
- We are preparing our next phase of outreach and Parkway planning for this year,
- And more.
News and Action Along the Red Line
- TxDOT is proposing a multibillion dollar reconstruction of Interstate Highway 35 through central Austin. The Red Line crosses I-35 twice: at 4th St. and at Hancock Center. Also, the Airport Blvd. intersection provides an excellent opportunity to connect the Red Line and Hancock Center with Mueller. We are following the project closely. On February 18th at 7:45am you can learn the preliminary recommendations of a national panel of experts representing the Urban Land Institute, who are taking a closer look at the I-35 central corridor. Seating is sold out, but you can still watch the event live. More info via Eventbrite
Your input is needed!
- The City of Austin is proposing converting East 4th Street to be one-way eastbound to eliminate right-turn conflicts with trail users going westbound at I-35. Send an email to Neil Quarles to show your support for this 4th St. conversion. Location on Google Maps
- The City of Austin is proposing improving St. Johns Avenue for bicycling and walking, from near the Red Line Crestview Station to Berkman Drive. Please send your support to the St. Johns project designer by March 29th. Location on Google Maps
- The trail through Plaza Saltillo, known as the Lance Armstrong Bikeway, the Crosstown Bikeway, or the Red Line Parkway, is nearing completion for the current phase from I-35 to Navasota Street. Stay tuned for a Plaza Saltillo trail opening celebration this spring!
- Another park along the Red Line! The MLK Station Neighborhood Park is getting some love. If you’d like to be involved with friends of the park, you can join their MLK Station & 16th Street Neighborhood Park Google Group.
- The City of Austin just completed some final touches on the Northern Walnut Creek Trail Phase 1A at Balcones District Park. This trail leads west from the Red Line at MoPac. Construction on the Red Line Trail connecting to this part of the Walnut Creek Trail is set to start in 2021. More on the Northern Walnut Creek Trail Phase 1A:
- It’s My Park Day is Saturday, March 7th! We’ve compiled a few IMPD volunteer opportunities along the Red Line. You can sign up via these links:
We expect the November 2020 Austin Election ballot to include an item for substantial transit investment in Project Connect. We are part of the Transit For Austin coalition and also support substantial funding to complete our walking, bicycling, and ADA network.
- Join us for a rally organized by Transit For Austin in support of transit on March 9th, 11am at Austin City Hall Plaza. Facebook event link
- You can also then head over to the Austin Central Library for the 12noon-3pm joint meeting of the Austin City Council and the Capital Metro Board to learn about the “Locally Preferred Alternative” transit plan for the November 2020 Election. City Council is due to substantially approve the package in May for the November election.
- You can also contact Austin City Council offices directly to show your support for transit and for funding Austin’s walking, bicycling, and ADA networks.
- We are fortunate to be part of Austin Outside, a coalition of nonprofits in support of walking, bicycling, ADA access, trails, parks, and open space. You can learn more about the Austin Outside coalition at an upcoming Save Barton Creek Association Happy Hour at Scholz Garten, March 9th 6:30pm. Facebook event link
We’ve met with City of Leander Parks staff and other new allies in Leander. There is a good deal of excitement for how the Red Line Parkway can be a vital part of the community at the north end of the Red Line.
- Trails have been a popular consideration in the Leander 2020 Comprehensive Plan process. Interested stakeholders can complete a Leander comp plan online survey open through March 10th.
- Northline Leander, a new development complementing the Leander Station, breaks ground next week. Austin Business Journal story (paywall)
- The City of Austin is seeking input on their concept plan for city-owned land at 6909 Ryan Drive, which is adjacent to the Red Line Crestview Station. The Ryan Drive survey is open through March 13th.
- The biennial Texas Trails and Active Transportation Conference (TTAT) is in San Antonio, March 25-27. I will be presenting the Red Line Parkway Initiative, among a schedule of dozens of other panels, workshops, and plenaries. You can still register for the full TTAT conference or just one day.
- I will also be speaking at the Austin Tech Alliance forum on April 7th, 6:30pm at Capital Factory with Capital Metro, Reconnect Austin, and Farm&City. We'll post more info via social media, as the date approaches.
- Does your employer match your gifts to nonprofits? Have a look at this local list and ask your HR department how you can make a gift to the Red Line Parkway Initiative that will be matched by your employer! (You can also donate directly to the Initiative, even if your employer does not match gifts.)
- Share your trail photos with us, especially Red Line Parkway photos! Send them via email or share with us via social media: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter.
Thank you for keeping up with the latest. See you on the Parkway!
Tom Wald
Executive Director