With your support in 2022, we made progress in all four program areas—Plan, Build, Fund, & Activate:
- Parkway Plan: We worked with Capital Metro and the City of Austin to create a scope, preparing to determine the end-to-end alignment for the trail. We were also successful in securing the funding to accomplish this as part of Capital Metro’s budget. By the end of the year, Capital Metro was evaluating consultant teams to perform the work, with work to start early in 2023.
- Connectors: Through attention, persistence, and supporting public funding, 2022 saw new bikeways and walkways completed from North Loop to Cherrywood, including the important I-35 crossing next to Hancock Center.
- Charrettes: We partnered with local chapters of AIA and ASLA to co-host charrettes for two key locations: the McKalla Station area, and the area that includes Hancock Center and the intersection of I-35 & Airport Blvd.
McKalla Station: We successfully facilitated a partnership between key staff at Capital Metro and the City of Austin so that they could include the Parkway as part of the station area design.
- Other hotspots: We also spoke up regarding several other upcoming projects to ensure inclusion of the Parkway, including with private developments, Crestview Station area planning, Austin Core Transportation (ACT) Plan, and the Palm District Plan.
- Cedar Park: We aligned the Red Line Parkway with bond funding approved by Cedar Park voters in May 2022, and are now on track to see a portion of the Parkway completed via that funding. We anticipate the Red Line Parkway will also be a part of their adopted Cedar Park Master Mobility Plan.
- Parkway to Downtown series: We hosted several Parkway events, including the three Parkway to Downtown rides and walks, sponsored by Downtown Austin Alliance and Electric Avenue.
- Grant funds for community engagement: We secured funding for our 2023 community engagement from Applied Materials, Alice Kleberg Reynolds Foundation, and People for Bikes.
- Community outreach: We were out in the world, spreading the word as guests at others' events, including Ride Bikes Austin, and at community organization meetings, such as Brentwood Neighborhood Association. If your organization would like to collaborate on an event, contact us via email.
- Project Parkway: We reached our initial $250,000 funding goal in pledges, which will fund much of our 2023 work to engage the community on the Parkway Plan.
- I-35: Building upon our 2021 victory to secure car-free crossings for the Parkway, in 2022 we worked to ensure safe and pleasant crossings, and this work continues into 2023.