Current Action Alerts from the Red Line Parkway Initiative

21 January, 2022

We're sharing a few very timely action alerts below. Your input helps shape and serve the Red Line Parkway as these projects move forward.


I-35 Capital Express Central input to TxDOT

TxDOT invites the public to attend their next I-35 Capital Express Central Community Working Group on January 25th 6pm either in-person or online. The meeting will focus on modified highway alternatives, project updates, and community feedback & input. You can find more information and registration information here.

I-35 Cap and Stitch input, including for the Red Line Parkway

The City of Austin and Downtown Austin Alliance are seeking your input for “caps” and “stitches” over TxDOT’s proposed I-35 highway expansion project. These will enhance the urban experience at the street level, over the highway lanes below. The scope covers the entire central Austin section of I-35, including the two crossings of the Red Line Parkway: one at 4th St. a.k.a. The Lance Armstrong Bikeway and one near 43rd St. They have extended this input period through January 31st.

Input for the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan Update

The Austin Strategic Mobility Plan (ASMP) shapes our city's current and future transportation network. The full ASMP is large, but this current input period welcomes you to provide input on a limited set of proposed amendments. There are two major ways that you can provide ASMP input right now: a survey link and a feedback map link.

1. Take the ASMP survey and have a look at the proposed new policies, including the “Streets as Places” policy that would help instantiate public space as a place to be, in addition to just getting around:

2. Provide feedback on the 2021 ASMP Street Network Amendments. It’s a big city with many roads, so the input map may be overwhelming! You may consider focusing your input on the streets in your neighborhood that you’re familiar with. The public feedback map will remain open until January 30th.

February 1st: Pickup and MetroBike Updates

The Project Connect team is hosting a meeting on Pickup and MetroBike Updates on Tuesday, February 1st, 5:30pm, including information on launching new MetroBike docks. Register here.

Don't forget this action alert! Support the Red Line Parkway Initiative

Support our continued work to bring the Parkway to life: Donate. Thank you!