We're thankful to have you as part of the Red Line Parkway community. We have a few trail-side updates for you.
Outreach and Coordination
We continue to coordinate with government leaders in Leander, Cedar Park, and Austin to prepare for community engagement and technical development of the Red Line Parkway Plan, including recent meetings with Leander Mayor Christine Sederquist and Cedar Park Mayor Pro Tem Heather Jefts. We also recently presented to the North Loop and East Cesar Chavez Neighborhood Association meetings, including conversations on current land use cases. (Let us know if your neighborhood association would like a visit too.) We’ve also been working recently with Austin Outside and other local allies for trail funding opportunities at the local and federal levels.
Cedar Park Bond Advisory Task Force
Whether you’re a Cedar Park resident or only an occasional visitor, be sure to provide your input on the upcoming Cedar Park bond election. The City of Cedar Park typically places a bond funding package on the ballot every 5-7 years. This is your chance to speak up for trail funding in the ~$125MM package, including real funding that could help complete the Red Line Parkway! Send an email to [email protected] to share that you support more funding for trails in Cedar Park and that you support completion of the Red Line Parkway.
Do so by this Sunday, November 14th, if possible. Every email helps!
Project Parkway campaign
Our Project Parkway campaign continues! We need to raise $250,000 to get started on the Red Line Parkway Plan, and you can help:
- Almost everyone either works for a company or knows someone who works for a company that gives back to our greater Austin community. Now is the time to become a Founding Sponsor or Legacy Sponsor. Ask your company and your good friend if their company has a community partnership program and can connect RLPI to their staff. Share any new connections with Tom Wald via [email protected].
- Every donation gets us closer to our goal, both through direct funding and by expanding the Red Line Parkway circle of supporters. If you think any of your friends and colleagues support this very unique opportunity for a trail and park spanning the entirety of Central Austin to the northern reaches of our metro area, ask them to contribute via our donate page today.
Project Parkway Happy Hour on November 18th
We can hardly wait to see you next Thursday, November 18th 5-8pm for our Project Parkway Happy Hour! This will be a time for celebration, updates, and to ask your questions about the Red Line Parkway Initiative and our upcoming Parkway Plan.
Invite your friends and interested potential donors to meet our board and staff. We’ll have catering from Hank’s, plus wine, beer, and fizzy drinks. Don’t miss it!
After the Happy Hour, we encourage you to stop by the nearby and free Waterloo Greenway Creek Show open until 10pm.
We thank our generous event sponsors: Nelson\Nygaard, Texas Gas Service, and Parkhill
Image: TxDOT's illustration of proposed Red Line Parkway crossing at 4th Street
I-35 Recap: Car-free and Caps
In case you missed it, with your help, we successfully achieved car-free crossings at both the 4th St. and 43rd St. crossings of the Red Line Parkway as part of TxDOT’s proposed I-35 Capital Express Central project. We have also been encouraging TxDOT to provide a more urban friendly project. Though the very busy public input period is behind us, we will continue to look for opportunities to improve this project, which will have a profound impact on our region, including on the success of the Red Line Parkway. Expect the next substantial news on the I-35 project by Fall 2022.
McKalla Station and Project Connect
Thank you to those who attended the Capital Metro Red Line Webinar in September to learn about the upcoming new MetroRail stations and double-tracking. For the Red Line Parkway at the McKalla Station and Q2 Stadium area, CapMetro has proposed a narrow 8-foot-wide trail to accommodate people walking, bicycling, running, and rolling. While we appreciate the new proposed trail connection and understand the very real space constraints, we are working closely with CapMetro staff, the City of Austin Urban Trails, Shoal Creek Conservancy, and others to improve upon this proposed connection and to implement Universal Design while meeting rails-with-trails safety regulations.
In the meantime, be sure to send a quick email to Project Connect staff to express your interest in the Red Line Parkway and this important connection through the McKalla Station project area. We’ll also continue to participate and provide you with updates on this and other Project Connect projects, including the Crestview Station area.
Volunteer for the Red Line Parkway Initiative
Are you interested in volunteering to support the Red Line Parkway? If so, and you have not been receiving volunteer updates, please contact Tom Wald via [email protected] to be added to our volunteer list and receive information on upcoming volunteer opportunities (including at our November 18th Project Parkway Happy Hour).
This is your periodic reminder to get outside
Explore a new part of the Red Line Parkway or one of the several connecting trails. Visit our interactive map for ideas!