We had a great meeting last week with representatives from every city, county, and other government agency along the 32+ mile Red Line corridor, led by the Red Line Trail Study consultants. There is excitement among them all, and we have good momentum to work on next steps to complete the Red Line Parkway. We’ll be sitting down again with each agency this fall to make sure they’re well positioned to determine trail alignments and secure construction funding as soon as next year or the coming few years.
In addition to developing new action plans with each of these agencies over the coming months, we also have ongoing work up and down the corridor that keeps us busy. Here are some highlights, including in your neighborhood:
- Wayfinding Signage: We are getting close to implementing temporary wayfinding signage to guide people along an existing 16-mile route of the Red LIne Parkway from Downtown Austin to Northern Walnut Creek Trail, just north of The Domain.
- Federal and Regional Funding: We’re working on federal and regional funding opportunities to construct new sections of trail and to determine trail alignments in other areas.
- Leander: We are working with the City of Leander to ensure inclusion of the trail in their local plans, so that it is ready to be funded and so that it becomes a well-connected part of Leander neighborhoods
- Cherrywood, Hancock, I-35 & Airport: We’re working to ensure that the Red Line Parkway is at least as much about trees and green space as it is about a good trail, and to create a gathering space for people making their way across town by bike, transit, or walking. This includes helping to shape the I-35 caps through the CIty of Austin Our Future 35 program, working with TxDOT to help fill any trail gaps remaining in their I-35 CapEx Central highway expansion project, and working with developers and neighborhood stakeholders to include the Red Line Parkway in nearby redevelopments (e.g. Cherrywood Coffeehouse and Fiesta) as an inviting, shaded dual-track (walk and bike) pair of trails.
- North Loop and Skyview: We’re working with developers and neighborhood stakeholders to include the Red Line Parkway in redevelopments (e.g. Leif Johnson Ford site, Dillard Circle) as an inviting, shaded dual-track pair of trails that connects to nearby residences and destinations.
- Northgate / West Rundberg, Wooten, Crestview, and Highland: Working with neighborhood stakeholders, developers, and City of Austin to ensure connectivity with the Red Line Parkway across major barriers.
- North Burnet: We’re working with the City of Austin and developers to ensure each new redevelopment in this rapidly developing area includes a safe and enjoyable section of the Red Line Parkway.
- From Lakeline to Rattan Creek to Wells Branch: We’re piecing together new connections across the great divide between Lakeline and Wells Branch. We’re doing this by ensuring a complete, shaded connection along Parmer Lane (though a TxDOT corridor project), Howard Lane (through the funding that we secured in last year’s Travis County Bond Election), and a City of Austin project for the last ¼ mile to Howard Station.
- East 5th Street trail gaps: Once this CapMetro and City of Austin project picks up again this fall, we’ll work to close trail gaps and keep you posted on opportunities to participate.
- East Cesar Chavez area, 4th Street crossing, and the Downtown I-35 cap: We’re working with the CIty of Austin Our Future 35 program, other city departments, and neighborhood stakeholders to transform this section of the Red Line Parkway into an inviting and shaded trail corridor with welcoming green space gathering areas.
We are working with your community and others along the entire 32+ mile Red Line corridor to create a trail and linear park for all to enjoy. We depend on your support to continue our work, and we’re grateful to those who have already donated this summer. We need to raise just over $21,000 more by the end of August (this Saturday!) to keep our programming budget on track. Please make a donation right now at a level that is meaningful to you.
And unlike political contributions, donations to the Red Line Parkway Initiative are eligible as tax-deductible charitable contributions.