Red Line Trail Study: Join CapMetro for a virtual open house!

30 October, 2023

Starting today, CapMetro is hosting a virtual open house about the Red Line Trail Study. The virtual open house will be live to the public through November 17, 2023.

The Red Line Trail Study aims to identify a feasible and safe alignment for the Red Line Trail based on identified constraints and opportunities. The Red Line Trail is a vision for a trail network that generally follows the 32-mile Red Line commuter rail corridor from Downtown Austin to Cedar Park to Leander. The Red Line Trail Study will also identify connections to transit stations along with recommendations for near-, mid-, and long-term implementation.

The virtual open house features an overview of the study, an explanation of existing conditions, and highlights opportunities and constraints. We hope you can join to share your input before November 17 and learn more about future opportunities to help shape this trail system.

We welcome you to forward this email to your network and invite them to participate.

Check out the Virtual Open House here!

Para ver esta información en español, haga clic aquí.